Partner | Chemistry and life sciences
HLK is ranked as 6th in the top patent prosecution firms in the UK, according to an independent review by Patent-Pilot relating to patent filings between 2016 to 2020
Our team: Patents
Partner | Chemistry and life sciences
Partner | Chemistry and life sciences
Partner | Chemistry and life sciences
Partner | Chemistry and life sciences
Partner | Chemistry and life sciences
Partner | Engineering and environment
Partner | Engineering and environment
Partner | Tech
Partner | Engineering and environment
Partner | Engineering and environment
Partner | Engineering and environment
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Partner | Tech
Knowledgeable attorneys, savvy litigators and skilled paralegals – all under one roof.
Trade marks
Protecting your trade marks secures the investment you make in your identity.
Knowing when design law can be deployed and how it interrelates with other IP rights can be the difference between success and failure.
An easily overlooked automatic right which is often linked to the arts, copyright protected material can be found in almost every aspect of a business.
Business information
Where database rights meet software and confidential information, we can assist.
Holding global portfolios and using state of the art technology, we ensure that your rights are maintained and renewals sorted.