Our AI experts work to demystify AI patenting, speaking at seminars, lobbying for better protection of AI by contributing to official consultations, and writing articles to deepen understanding of what currently is and is not patentable 

Please find below details of our upcoming webinars, past webinar recordings and our bi-weekly AI Observer newsletter. 

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Microphone podcast online and on air record live broadcast golden metal shine symbol concept. Spectacular glowing and reflection light icon abstract object 3d illustration.

AI and the future of podcasting: Sir Michael Parkinson reimagined

We take a deep dive into the controversial world of generative AI and podcasts, focusing on the upcoming podcast Virtually Parkinson, featuring an AI-generated Sir Michael Parkinson.

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Digital Network Technology AI 5G data communication concepts 3D illustration Background.

AI Observer | Series 2, Issue 5: The evolving role of AI in media, regulation, and advertising

In the latest instalment, our AI team explore the controversial world of generative AI podcasts, delve into general purpose AI and the EU AI Act’s impact, and give us some festive insight into holiday adverts and AI.

Read Issue 5

AI – Worldwide patenting on the rise?

What’s going on the world of AI patenting?

In this article, we’ll look at AI patenting activity and trends over the last 5 years including the distribution of AI patent grants worldwide, AI patent applications at the IP5 offices and the big AI players.

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AI Observer | Series 2, Issue 4: Patenting activity and trends, EU AI Pact reaches 100 signatories and Ukraine’s protection of AI-generated content

In the latest instalment, our AI team explore AI patenting activity and trends from the past five years, and explore the latest on the EU AI Pact,  and the news that Ukraine has registered its first AI-generated work under a new copyright law aimed at protecting such content.

Read Issue 4

On-demand webinar: CII and AI: Evolving case law and filing trends

Are you looking for valuable insights and practical takeaways on the evolving case law and filing trends in the CII and AI field? Then our latest webinar from our expert AI team isn’t one to be missed!

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AI faces the music

In this article, we discusses the ongoing legal battle between major record labels and AI companies Suno and Udio over the use of copyrighted music in generative AI models.

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AI Observer | Series 2, Issue 3: AI faces the music, ongoing legal challenges and innovation in avian observation

In this instalment, our experts explore the ongoing legal battle between major record labels and AI companies Suno and Udio over the use of copyrighted music in generative AI models.

Read Issue 3

Court of Appeal decision: UKIPO vs Emotional Perception AI

Breaking news! Read our analysis of the Court of Appeal’s decision in the much anticipated UKIPO vs Emotional Perception AI case, published on 19 July 2024.

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EU Data Act: A game changer for IoT?

Businesses dealing with internet of things (IoT) devices will face new obligations under the EU Data Act to ensure users can access and share their data freely and fairly.

This article breaks down the key provisions of the Data Act, its impact on businesses, and why early compliance is crucial. Read on to understand how to align your strategies with this new EU regulation.

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AI Observer: Series 2, Issue 2: How the EU Data Act shapes IoT, AI Act developments and AI copyright lawsuits in the music world

In this instalment, our AI experts break down the key provisions of the EU Data Act, its impact on businesses, and why early compliance is crucial. Our experts also report on the recent developments during the implementation of the AI Act including the opening of the EU’s AI office, the similar processes to the AI Act being implemented in the US and the latest AI copyright lawsuits filed by the world’s biggest record labels.

Read Issue 2

Emotional Perception AI: Where have we been, and where are we now?

The Emotional Perception AI case has been closely watched for its potential to shake up the patentability of Artificial Neural Networks in the UK. Following the Appeal hearing in May 2024, members of HLK’s AI team summarise the evolution of the arguments in this case, and discuss possible outcomes.

This article provides an overview of material presented in HLK’s webinar of the same name. For a more thorough treatment of the issues.

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Navigating the differences between AI agreements and more traditional IT agreements

Louise Perkin and Sophie Harrison delve into the differences between the terms of AI agreements and those of traditional IT agreements, which is as straightforward as you might think.

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AI Observer | Series 2, Issue 1

Welcome back to the AI Observer, HLK’s newsletter tracking the AI legal landscape.

Our team of AI experts kick off Series 2 by delving into the differences between traditional IT agreements and agreements relating to the use of AI and update you on some key legal developments in the UK and Europe.

Read issue 1

Are neural networks patentable in the UK? Appeal hearing takes us one step closer to finding out

In this update, Caroline Day delves into a landmark UK legal case that could redefine the patentability of artificial neural networks (ANNs).

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On-demand webinar: Emotional Perception AI: Where have we been, and where are we now?

Join our experts as they take a deep-dive into the highly anticipated Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks v Emotional Perception AI Ltd judgement.

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Updated UK IPO Guidelines for examining patent applications relating to AI inventions

This judgement was received positively by many in the patenting community because it gives a better chance for some AI inventions at getting a patent at the UK IPO, by indicating that Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are not to be excluded under the computer program exclusion.

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Patenting AI at the EPO and USPTO

This article is a practical guide to the approaches of two of the world’s largest patent offices – the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) – in assessing the patentability of AI inventions.

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On-demand webinar: Integrating AI: the good, the bad and the (legally) ugly

In the webinar, our experts delved into:

  • AI regulations and IP law in relation to generative AI
  • The legal risks and advantages of integrating generative AI into your business
  • Practical steps on how to minimise such risks and maximise the advantages

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AI(Artificial Intelligence) Concept.

The race to regulate AI: 2024 unpacked

EU’s AI Act is set to become ‘gold standard’ of AI regulation. Will other countries adopt the same high standards or like the UK opt for a light touch in favour of growth and investment?

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Copyleft Licences and AI

There has been a lot of talk, and a lot of litigation, about how copyright might affect AI and its users. The lawsuit filed against OpenAI by the Authors Guild and some big-name authors, alleging that ChatGPT infringes the copyright in the authors’ works, is just one example. This is all fascinating, and has generated many column inches in the year since generative AI burst onto the scene, but what about copyleft?

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Updates on AI and patenting in the UK

On 20 December 2023, the UK’s Supreme Court, which is the top court in the UK, ruled that an artificial intelligence cannot be the sole named inventor on a patent under the UK’s Patent legislation, in Thaler v Comptroller General. This judgement confirms that current British law, in particular the Patents Act 1977, requires a “natural person” rather than a machine to be behind an invention for a patent to be granted.

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Orange and blue nerve endings coming together at a point

AI Observer, Issue 6: A decision in the UK for Getty Images v Stability AI, and finally an agreement on the EU AI Act!

In this issue, we take a look at a recent decision in the UK dealing with copyright issues in Stability AI’s Stable Diffusion and, as an early Christmas present, we report on the EU AI Act – yes it has been agreed!

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Emotional Perception AI: A deep dive into the impact of the recent judgement on UKIPO practice relating to ANNs (and beyond…?)

The High Court judgement in Emotional Perception AI Ltd v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks [2023] EWHC 2948 (Ch) has triggered a major shift in UKIPO practice for examination of inventions involving Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).

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AI Observer, Issue 5: Viral licences and wrangling over the AI Act

Welcome to the fifth issue of the HLK Newsletter tracking the AI legal landscape. In this issue, we take a look at copyleft licences and their role in AI, reflect on the comings and goings at OpenAI, and update you on discussions regarding the AI Act, as well as a recent judgement that might be good news for those looking to protect AI innovation in the UK.

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AI Observer, Issue 4: What if Generative AI does infringe copyright? A lesson from history

In this issue, we are taking a look back at peer-to-peer sharing, a massive industry brought swiftly to heel by copyright law and update you on discussions regarding the AI Act, US Executive Orders and reflect on what – if anything- we learnt from the AI safety summit at Bletchley Park.

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The implications of biased AI models on the financial services industry

The Bank of England has warned of the risk artificial intelligence model present in creating bias that could post a threat to the UK’s financial services sector. How do those risks emerge and how they might be mitigated.

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AI Observer, Issue 3: Copyright in AI Generated Works

Welcome to the third issue of the HLK Newsletter tracking the AI legal landscape. In this issue, we are taking a closer look at how copyright is being handled for AI generated works and update you on discussions regarding the AI Act and news about the imminent AI summit at Bletchley Park.

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AI Observer, Issue 2: Authors vs The Machine and AI at the UN

In this issue, we bring you breaking news in relation to Stephen Thaler’s on-going campaign on behalf of AI, discuss the lawsuits brought by authors in the US and update you on discussions regarding AI at the UN and on the international AI Safety Summit to be held in the UK in November.

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AI Observer, Issue 1: Reflections on the legal landscape

Welcome to the HLK Newsletter series tracking the fast-changing legal landscape around AI. Over the next few months, we’ll to be keeping a close eye on legislation, government policy and case law to help you stay on top of the issues which could impact you and your business.

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