HLK’s UPC litigation model is different from the models used by most other European IP firms.

We can draw upon a large team of experienced patent prosecution and litigation professionals with rights to litigate in the UPC, the UK and Germany. With no vested interest in any particular jurisdiction or UPC division, we will provide an appropriately sized team of attorneys to give you the best chance of success in your litigation, using the best forum for the job. You can find out more about HLK’s UPC litigation model here.

In addition to conducting UPC litigation ourselves, when the use of local counsel is desirable we can draw upon a panel of high quality litigation experts across Europe in a co-counselling arrangement and select the most suitable local litigators for your case. Unlike others, we are not tied to use a single litigation practice and are not constrained by having a small group of local litigators, who might not be best placed to handle your area of technology.

HLK has established relationships with specialist litigators in all the countries in which the UPC divisions are based (14 countries, 21 courts), and therefore we will be able to select the best and most appropriate litigator from our panel for the circumstances of a particular case, based on the location of the court, language and the likely composition of the panel of judges. US based patentees will be familiar with this approach, as a similar model is often used in US litigation when instructing co-counsel in a different state.

We will be managing your case, working alongside you and the top litigators selected for your case and drawing on HLK’s huge breadth of sector expertise. Our subject matter experts and UPC litigation qualified patent attorneys are experienced in a comprehensive range of technologies, and will work on the technical issues of infringement and validity that are necessary for the written statements of case at the UPC. We draw upon our extensive experience of successful EPO oppositions and appeals and litigation work before the German and UK Courts (where many of the procedural rules are similar to the Rules of Procedure of the UPC). We will use our panel of European specialist litigators at and in the run up to trial to ensure that we present the case in the best possible light, taking into account any local practice and case law that may be relevant to the particular division or panel of judges hearing the case.

Our model allows us to provide you with an approach that is tailored to your case and to the forum in which you are litigating it, giving you the best possible chance of a positive outcome.

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If you have any questions on the UP or the UPC, please contact upc@hlk-ip.com.