Sunday 10th October 2021 was World Mental Health Day and this year the World Federation for Mental Health chose “Mental Health in an Unequal World” as the theme.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significant inequalities across the world and how these differences in how we are treated and the opportunities available to us can affect our mental health. Those that are experiencing mental illness also suffer further inequality through stigma, discrimination, and lack of support.
We can all make a difference though, by learning about mental health inequality, by working to reduce stigma and speaking out to make change happen. At HLK we are committed to creating a considerate and creative workplace, where all colleagues feel safe and supported.
As mentioned in last year’s World Mental Health Day article, our wellbeing programme became remote in 2020 and many of us have kept connected with each other during this time with our Mental Health & Wellbeing coffee club and through HLK’s group online events like Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga.
As we make the transition back to spending time in the office and seeing our colleagues in person again, we are looking forward to the opportunity for more events away from our screens!